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How many jobs will you need to post this year? Get Monster job postings working for your benefit:

Save time and money by purchasing your jobs in bulk. Post each job as needed, anytime within 12 months of purchase.

Filter out unqualified candidates fast with our screening tools

Get unlimited space for your job description

Keep each postings active for 30 days

Post in minutes. Get immediate response

Screen and prioritise candidates with basic screening tool

Your job posting pack includes access to Monster's online office with products and tools to manage and track candidates through the hiring process

Why Monster?

More and more companies across the globe are looking for Indian Talent through provides easy accessebility of jobs to Indian Talent leading to strong response

76% of Monsterindia users are actively looking for a job

79% of Monsterindia users have applied and found a job on the internet

Jobs Posted From Countries Outside India


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Job Postings

1. What is a job posting?
A job posting is nothing but an advertisement you release on Monster. You get responses to the job posting just the same way you receive responses to your advertisements elsewhere. The job posting goes live on site within minutes and you start receiving responses within hours.

2. What is the validity of the job posting?
Every job you post stays online for 60 days unless you wish to disable it earlier.

3. How can I use the job postings for my benefit?
Monster understands the needs of its clients and offers this special package which is
  • Economical
  • Helps you reach quality local candidates 24/7
  • Gives you options of easily screen out unqualified job seekers
  • Use unlimited ad space to tell your story

  • 4. Who will help me post the jobs once I have bought the package?
    Once you have bought the package, you will receive a training manual which details out the process of posting the jobs and the tips and tricks of job postings. It is a self-service model with which you have complete control over the process of the job postings.

    5. How is the job posting costed?
    When you post the job, you have to choose atleast one location (the place where the position is based) and one category (for e.g., Engineering). The combination of one location and one category makes for 1 job posting. Multiple locations and multiple categories for the same job will consume more job postings (No. of job postings consumed = No. of locations x No. of categories).

    6. Why would I want to post my Job in additional Categories or Locations? This Job is only situated at one address.
    Because Job Seekers search in several related Categories and nearby Locations, the increased exposure of posting your Job in multiple Category/Location combinations means that more Job Seekers will be able to find your Job.

    7. Is it possible to use HTML to add colour or bold some of the words on the job postings?
    Yes, however, if you incorporate HTML in your Job Posting, please note that you cannot edit your Job Posting or correct your HTML once your job is posted. Monster cannot provide support or assist you if there are errors on your Posting.

    8. I do not want anyone to know that this position is open at my company. How do I make sure that my Posting is confidential?

    To make your posting completely confidential, place a checkmark in the Hide boxes to the right of your Contact Information on the Contact and Billing page. All job seekers will be required to use the Apply Online link to respond to your posting. Even if you hide your email address, you will still receive responses to that email address, but job seekers won't see that address until you send an email directly to them.
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